Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Square Watermelon, Japanese Farmers Test the Limits

Round watermelons don't stack very well, especially when you are attempting to ship them in large quantities. So Japanese farmers have developed a way to force watermelons to grow in cubes instead of in large ovals.

Once the small fruit has begun to grow they insert it into a square jug. This forces the watermelon to grow to fit the shape of the jug. Ingenious! Not only does this allow them to ship the fruit more efficiently but it also allows chefs to cut the fruit into neat cubes without any waste. And in Japan, that is a very important selling factor as watermelon is very expensive. According to Japanese restaurant owners, the ability to make every ounce count compensates for the higher price of the square delicacy.

Life is a constant exercise in imagination and ingenuity.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is that real or is it photo-shopped?