Friday, April 13, 2007

Woman Bitten by Dead Gopher - Life is One Big Joke

I heard about a new type of Yoga the other day called "Laugh Yoga." Essentially a group of people get together and start laughing without cause. By the end of the session most are laughing at the silliness of their own laughter and they are feeling better, more relaxed and optimistic about life.

Today, if I had known where to join such a group, I would have. I started out this morning late for an appointment. I grabbed my shoes and started towards the door thinking that I could put them on once I arrived at the Dr.s office. As I loped across my living room rug I stepped on something both slimy and sharp - a dead gopher head and its kidney. My cats had left me a surprise gift.

After washing the guts off of my foot I again headed off to my appointment. When I arrived I was told that I was not late at all, but I was actually 3 days early. I laughed, then I told them my gopher story and all of us had a good long laugh - including an older couple in the waiting area who had over heard the story.

I guess I didn't really need to join a "Yoga Laughter" group after all, my life is silly enough to create my own laugh therapy. And believe it or not, so is yours. All of us have a choice every day to go about our business with a smile on our face or to choose to continually look at the world through a serious lens.

Why waste your life feeling pessimistic and sullen when you can live every moment with joy and laughter? There is a reason people look better when they smile. Even Mother Nature wants us to be happy.

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